How committed are you?

Real Talk Tuesdays ❄️☃️ This isn’t a post to guilt you into starting training before Christmas ❌ This is a post to help you take complete control of your life! Not just around exercise.

Every habit change starts with a commitment and a decision. In fact, saying I’ll start exercising in January is okay IF you mean it. It’s okay if you’ve made the decision and you’re committed to starting. But you know yourself if your just saying it and codding yourself 😖

How many times have you said oh I’ll start Monday but never do? I’m not here to judge, I don’t care what you do with your life but if you want to commit to something, I’ll be all in with you to help! I’ll be as committed to your goals as I am to my own. If you’re a smoker, cigarettes and/or a vapes have control of your life. Deep down nobody wants to be a smoker right? All smokers consider quitting at some point every day. BUT they don’t? Why? Afraid of the commitment.

If you want to make a change you need to make a decision and a commitment to yourself. Whether you make that commitment today or on a specific date in the future COMMIT to it. Tell someone, I’m going to stop smoking on 10th December – just do it! If you don’t have someone, tell me!

Here at Primal Mvmnt Fitness & Nutrition we do a service called a Free Intro. I always encourage people to book in as soon as possible, but if you’re not ready that’s okay. If you want to wait until January, do that BUT are you all in for January?

I don’t mean all in on training and nutrition, I mean all in on getting started? Are you just saying I’ll start in January or can you commit to starting in January. If your committed why don’t you just message me and book a free intro right now for January❓ Or are you just saying it❓

So with any habit you want to change you need to do 3 things:

1️⃣ Make a decision to change

2️⃣ Pick a start date

3️⃣ Commit to your decision

Will there be bumps along the road❓Absolutely, but you’ll get where you want to go and be the person you want to be 💪🏼 PS – this applies to ALL areas of your life. It applies to anything you want to change. Examples – Smoking – Exercise – Heathy eating – Saving money – The list is endless


Want to find out more about how we can help? You can book a Free Intro where you will meet a friendly coach at Primal Mvmnt Fitness & Nutrition gym based in Newton Abbot, build a custom plan with a personal trainer aligned to your goals and budget to change your life for the better! Book on the button below.


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